What are NOC Services?

In the industry of managed services, NOC is the monitoring and restitution of multiple network viewpoints for businesses. Network Operations Center services are commonly called NOC services, and this is where administrators implement the surveillance, control, and maintenance of a telecommunications network.

It is, naturally, a central location where the administrators manage, monitor, and maintain the networks of great enterprises. Network Operations Center for businesses serves as a workstation to control the network status, and through required software, we manage it.

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What are Monitoring Services?

Monitoring services are a subset of NOC services. NOC Monitoring as a Service reduces downtime and provides your IT staff the assistance to fight against technological challenges. For most of the businesses, in-house network monitoring services are not available due to limited resources and funds.

NOC Monitoring is one of the critical tools your IT organization can have, which helps in gaining the benefit of outsourced 24x7 NOC assistance can undoubtedly influence your business positively in many ways.

How does NOC Services help you?

What do you get from Miraki Tech?

Common NOC Challenges for businesses

There are several hurdles that the network operations team encounter not only associated with having a thorough understanding of the technology itself but in maintaining smooth communications access within all those included. But you can get a solution for these below-mentioned challenges with our services.

  • The absence of coordination over teams can be a big challenge in managing NOC.
  • The fast speed of transformation in the cloud and dynamic resource orchestration means that documentation is usually not up-to-date for resolving errors.
  • Fixing issues is time-consuming since it usually comprises comparing data across various devices and toolsets, and this wants human-operated methods to reach sound analyses.
  • Hiring more senior specialists is needed periodically to evaluate root causes.
  • Issues appear and then disappear by the time all data is gathered that is needed for resolving.
  • Several diverse tools from various vendors in use may need teamwork with various technologies, various verticals, low-level utilities and Command Line Interfaces (CLI).
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Why Mirakitech?

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Our State of the art Network Operations Center (NOC) is staffed round the clock by technology experts. We build with a world-class Network Operations Center, providing unmatched technical support and expertise to ensure safety, security, consistency, and quality, no matter where your services are deployed.



Miraki Tech’s NOC specialists have vast experience in performing competitive services to clients worldwide. Our NOC service expertise overpasses a wide spectrum of businesses that promises you an astonishing experience. Being a promising NOC Company in India, we perform industry best methods to deliver safe, secured & scalable Network Operations Center services for all businesses.



If your apex aim is to get technologically outstanding Network Operations Center services for your business, we can help you in arriving at your target with ease. We, at Miraki Technologies, not only cater our services to NOC operations but also deliver you the pleasing all-round information technology services for the extraordinary results you are looking for.

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